Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

14 weeks already maaa

Alhamdulillah.. 14 weeks! wow... rasenye mcm baru smlm pegang UPT stick yg ade double line tuh... hehehe... even though I have not been 100% healthy, I try to go thru my days patiently. memang sedey la sbb tak lalu nak makan and constantly throw up after every meal. Kesian kat baby sebenarnye.... I always worry... is my baby healthy? does he got enuff nutrients from me as I could not eat much? huhuhu... hopefully he does.. Aminnnn... even though I cannot feel him kick yet, I can now feel movement in my womb.. maybe he/she is doing some kind of somersault or flipping here n there? yela.. ruang masih byk lagi ruang kat dlm tu... hehehe... last time when when we had 2nd check up @ 11 weeks, we had the opportunity to see the movement of our baby... hihihi.. comel sgt2... hubby n me were like stunned & speechless to see "si comel"... gile aktif anak haku nih rupenye... tak henti2 gerak2 dgn aktifnye.. as if mcm dia really excited to see babah and ummi..:P nampak tangan and kaki dia mencapai capai ke atas... and the heartbeat also is very strong.... (boleh dgr kat video dgn jelasnye) kiutttttt sgt2!!!! Subhanallah.... Alhamdulillah :) coz everytime tibe masa untuk jumpe doc for check up aku mesti takleh nak tido mlm tu... risau ya amat... takutla kan.. anything can happen at this stage... tapi Alhamdullilah, setakat ni semuanye baik... tula, baru tau ape perasaan seorang ibu...huhuhuhu... anyway, can't wait for the next check up.... doktor kata maybe masa tu dah bleh rase baby's kicking and baby's gender... really can't wait!!! :) thanks to Allah to give me the most precious experience that I can ever have....

-Subhanallah... Alhamdulillah... Amin-

Wednesday, November 3, 2010



Lama gile weh tak update blog weh.. seems forever, eh??? biasala, bukan tade idea.. tapi M.A.L.A.S.. hehehe...

Lets see, what should i write about? Alhamdulllilah.. life is getting better... walaupun kiteorg still tengah terumbang ambing especially on financial matters, we both tried as much as we can to be calm and strong about it... You see, Abang just started his own business so I tried my best to support him as much as I can... Sometimes I am worried and knowing my "old" self... aku akan gile panik and bad mood coz I never really had encounter a "real" financial problem before... and knowing me (again..), I always turn to my parents for support...but this time, I set my foot down and determine to resolve the problem only by us... (hahaha... dah matang kan aku... hehehe)..

Firman Allah:

” Allah tidak akan membebankan seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.”

-Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286- (pegang ayat nih cukup2... Insya Allah kite akan berasa tenang & tabah dengan dugaan dariNya.. Insya Allah)

hahaha... dah matang kan aku... hehehe) Sebenarnye bagus jadik matang nih... the "old" me suka merajuk... bad mood tak tentu pasal... mende2 kecik pun nak jadik hal kan... Abang memang sgt2 bersabar dgn kerenah aku... tapi kadang2 I really tested his patient and meletup jugak dia akhirnye... hehehehe... (susah sbrnye nak nengok dia marah nihhhh...hehe). Lagipun biasala.. sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit.. inikan pula suami isteri... chewahhhhh.... :) Tapi sejak Ramadhan yang lalu, aku ade byk peluang bersama dgn Al-Quran and really2 learn the meaning, Subhanallah.... banyak sebenarnye pedoman yg tersirat.. betul lah Al-Quran itu adelah mukijizat... so kesimpulannye, di kala kite gembira, sedih, confuse, marah... kembali lah kepada Al -Quran... moga2 ade cahaya hidayahnye yg melekat dalam hati kita nih.. Amin...